Sunday, January 19, 2014

Are you stressed out or depressed? Check this list out and see...

Are you stressed or depressed?

Let's talk about symptoms of depression.   Some of you reading this may be surprised. One stereotype I have heard many times is depressed people want to kill themselves. So if I don't want to kill myself, then I am not depressed, right?  Let's go thru this checklist and see how many items you may be able to say yes to.   This list comes from the National Institute of Mental Health.

What is depression?

Everyone feels sad sometimes, but these feelings usually pass after a few days. When you have depression, you have trouble with daily life for weeks at a time. Depression is a serious illness that needs treatment.
What are the signs and symptoms of depression?
Different people have different symptoms. Some symptoms of depression include:
  • Feeling sad or "empty"
  • Feeling hopeless, irritable, anxious, or guilty
  • Loss of interest in favorite activities
  • Feeling very tired
  • Not being able to concentrate or remember details
  • Not being able to sleep, or sleeping too much
  • Overeating, or not wanting to eat at all
  • Thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts
  • Aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems.
I firmly believe that not everyone who is depressed feels sad, or has thoughts of suicide.  But look at the rest of the list!  When, as a parent, have you not felt irritable, tired, unable to concentrate, not able to sleep, loss of appetite, or aches and pains?  Sounds like the flu right? Or the first few months after a child is born, right?

What caught my attention was when I couldn't seem to shake it.  It's like a cold that just won't go away. Another symptom I have experienced is loss of short term memory.   I have noticed lately that it's harder to remember small things in conversations than it was before.  I wrote it off to being exhausted. We have had a busy year. I was laid off, got a new job, moved, and my children are all adjusting to a new house, new schools, and a new life.  Not easy.  But it just hasn't gone away.  That's a sign.

Here are a few more:
Reacting more emotionally than logically
Reactions are a bit more extreme
Feeling less willing to communicate or explain yourself
Feeling like you want to escape, and more often
Seem to get overwhelmed faster than before

Stressed out is not depressed, but it leads to it

Some may say that this entire list sounds like the person is simply stressed out, and understandably so.   It sounds like a lot of "life events" have occurred and it should all pass.  I think that is the key difference. When you are depressed, it just doesn't seem to pass. Have you ever felt like it was a bad month, or a bad year? Maybe you were stressed out just a bit too long?

The number one cure for depression and stress is exercise. It's a new year. Whether you are stressed or depressed, let's just get out there and address it!

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